HydroBuddy v1.9, MacOS binary, new EC model, many bug fixes and more!

Today I am releasing a new version of HydroBuddy (v1.9) which contains many suggested and needed improvements from the previous version of the software. In this post I want to discuss the changes within this release and how they will affect the way things are done in the program. Some big changes have been implemented so make sure you go through the list below if you want to use this new version. Thanks to all of you who contributed your suggestions about HydroBuddy and/or reported bugs to me.

One of the biggest changes in this release, the return of precompiled MacOS binaries.

Here is the list of changes in this version:

  • A MacOS binary compiled in Big Sur 11.0.1 has been released.
  • Ability to make any formulation the “default” formulation. This selected formulation is loaded when the software is started.
  • The LMC conductivity model has now been replaced with LMCv2 which is an important improvement. See here to learn more. The LMCv2 model now adjusts conductivity based on each specific ion’s charge and the overall ionic strength of the solution. It now includes no arbitrary terms.
  • The treatment of liquids/solids in the program has now been changed. Instead of specifying liquid or solid (and the program having to make assumptions) users can now select whether the percentages and substance amounts are going to be either in g and w/w% or in mL and w/v%. This should simplify the interpretation of results and the addition of substances.
  • An additional column has now been added in the results page to specify the unit of the amount being calculated. When a user wants a substance’s contribution to be calculated in mL, the appropriate unit will be shown here.
  • When adding a new substance, all fields are reset to null values (previously the program kept the values from previously opened/updated substances).
  • Density has now been eliminated as a variable used in the program since it is not needed if there is no cross between w/w% and w/v% calculations. It is only kept in the “Copy commercial nutrient formulation” dialogue.
  • An error where P and K were mixed up in the product comparison window of the “Copy commercial nutrient formulation” function has now been fixed.
  • The wording of options in the “Substance selection” dialogue has been changed so that the buttons better describe what they do. For example the “Delete” button has now been changed to “Do not use”.
  • Two buttons have been added next to the EC model prediction in order to allow users to increase or decrease the EC by adjusting all nutrient concentrations by +5%/-5%. This will allow you to see how nutrient concentration changes affect conductivity in a straightforward manner.

The above modifications are now committed to the github repository as well. Feel free to take a look if you’re interested in how any of the above variations were coded into the program.

A simple cheatsheet for macro nutrient additions in hydroponics

In hydroponic growing, we are often faced with the need to adjust the nutrient concentrations of a fertilizer reservoir or foliar spray directly, in order to increase the quantity of some nutrient by a specific amount. Although you can use a program like HydroBuddy in order to quickly calculate these values, it is often the case that these calculations need to be done in the field or in a growing environment, and a computer to calculate things is not at hand. For this reason, I have created a small “cheat sheet” that you can use in order to figure out the amounts of salts that you would need to add to a solution to increase any of the macronutrients by 10 ppm.

Salt Name ppm Element ppm  Element g/L g/gal
Calcium nitrate (ag grade) 10 N (NO3-) 13.19 Ca 0.0694 0.2629
MAP 10 N (NH4+) 22.1 P 0.0821 0.3108
Ammonium Sulfate 10 N (NH4+) 11.4 S 0.0472 0.1785
Gypsum 10 Ca 7.99 S 0.0430 0.1626
Calcium Chloride 10 Ca 17.69 Cl 0.0277 0.1048
Magnesium Nitrate Hexahydrate 10 N (NO3-) 8.67 Mg 0.0915 0.3463
Epsom Salt 10 Mg 13.19 S 0.1014 0.3839
Magnesium Chloride 10 Mg 29.16 Cl 0.0392 0.1483
AgSil 16H 10 Si 10.9 K 0.0411 0.1554
MKP 10 P 12.62 K 0.0439 0.1663
Potassium Nitrate 10 N (NO3-) 27.87 K 0.0730 0.2763
Potassium Sulfate 10 K 4.10 S 0.0223 0.0844
Potassium Chloride 10 K 9.067 Cl 0.0191 0.0722
Cheatsheet for macronutrient additions in hydroponics

With the above cheatsheet, you can quickly evaluate some of the most common options you would have to increase all the different macronutrients in a hydroponic or foliar solution by 10 ppm and which secondary elemental contributions you would get from these additions. For example, if you add 0.0694g/L of Calcium Nitrate, this would add 10ppm of Nitrogen as nitrate plus 13.19ppm of Calcium. Careful consideration of secondary contributions need to be taken into account, especially when using salts that contain elements that can be toxic, such as chlorides.

Standard hydroponic formulations from the scientific literature

When researchers started looking into growing plants without soil, they started to look for mixtures of nutrients that could grow plants successfully so that these formulations could be used to study other aspects of plant physiology. If you have a mixture of nutrients that you know grows a plant without major issues, then you can use that as a base to study other things, for example how plants react to some exogenous agent or how changes to temperature or humidity affect the uptake of certain nutrients (see this paper for a view into the history of hydroponics and standard solutions). The establishment of these standard solutions was one of the great achievements of botanists during the twentieth century, which allowed thousands of detailed studies on plants to be carried out. In this post, we’re going to be talking about these standard solutions and why they are a great place to start for anybody seeking to formulate their own nutrients.

ppm (mg/L) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
K 132.93 187.28 241.24 312.79 236.15 237.33 89.54 157.57 261.57 302.23 430.08 312.79
Ca 136.27 36.07 149.09 163.52 200.39 160.31 161.11 120.23 184.76 172.34 220.43 160.31
Mg 19.69 18.71 37.19 49.34 48.61 24.31 55.90 48.61 49.10 50.55 36.46 34.03
N as NH4+ 0.00 4.90 2.10 18.91 0.00 28.01 19.61 0.00 0.00 0.03 0.01 17.51
Na 0.00 0.23 1.15 0.46 0.00 0.46 0.00 2.07 0.46 0.69 8.74 0.69
Fe 36.86 2.79 4.02 0.00 1.44 1.12 1.12 5.03 1.34 1.90 7.10 0.84
Mn 0.00 0.62 1.23 0.00 0.50 0.11 0.14 0.40 0.62 1.98 2.40 0.55
Cu 0.00 0.06 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.03 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.10 0.04 0.04
Zn 0.00 0.01 0.01 0.00 0.05 0.13 0.13 0.05 0.11 0.10 0.12 0.03
N as NO3 123.82 77.46 161.50 226.63 210.10 196.09 112.75 112.05 167.80 201.28 241.62 224.11
P 103.45 42.74 64.74 40.89 30.97 61.95 71.24 61.95 30.66 59.78 69.69 38.72
S 25.97 27.90 54.51 65.09 64.13 32.07 96.84 64.13 111.59 67.98 87.22 44.89
Cl 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.64 1.77 0.00 0.53 0.00 0.00 13.47 0.00
B 0.00 0.28 1.19 0.00 0.46 0.27 0.10 0.40 0.43 0.30 0.34 0.27
Mo 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.01 0.05 0.00 0.03 0.05 0.19 0.06 0.34
Summary of standard nutrient formulations found in this article with the concentrations translated to ppm. The numbers in the list correspond to the following: 1. Knop, 2. Pennings-feld North Africa, 3. Pennings-Feld Carnations, 4. Gravel Culture Japan, 5. Arnon and Hoagland 1940, 6. Dennisch R. Hoagland USA, 7 Shive and Robbins 1942, 8. Hacskalyo 1961, 9. Steiner 1961, 10. Cooper 1979, 11 Research Centre Soil-less culture, 12. Naaldwijk cucumber.

One of the best places to find a comparison between these standard solutions is this paper. In it, the authors explore the relationships between the different solutions and how they are similar or diverge. In the table above, you can see a summary of the elemental nutrient concentrations found in this paper for the 12 standard solutions they compare (the paper states them in mmol/L but I have changed them to ppm as these are more commonly used units in the field nowadays). As you can see, some of the older solutions miss some elements or contain much smaller amounts of them – as they were likely present in the media or other salts as impurities – while more recent standard solutions do contain all the elements we now understand are necessary for plant life.

Figure showing the Ca/Mg/K ratio represented in a three axis plot. Taken from the paper mentioned above.
Figure showing the N/S/P ratio represented in a three axis plot. Taken from the paper mentioned above.

It is interesting to note that all of these solutions have been successfully used to grow plants, so their convergent aspects might show us some of the basic things that plants require for growth. As they highlight on the paper, the K/Mg/Ca ratio for most of these solutions is rather similar, as well as the N/S/P ratios. This means that most of these authors figured out that plants needed pretty specific ratios of these nutrients and these ratios are sustained with minor variations through the 12 solutions, developed across a span of more than 100 years. All the solutions developed from the 1940s have similar final concentrations and their starting pH is almost always in the 4-5 range, due to the presence of acid phosphate salts like monopotassium phosphate.

Nonetheless, there are several things that improved in the solutions as a function of time. The first is the inclusion of higher concentrations of all micronutrients with time, as macronutrient salt quality increased, the media sources became more inert and the need to add them to avoid deficiencies became apparent. The need to chelate micronutrients also became clear with time, as solutions starting with Hoagland’s solution in the 1940s started using EDTA to chelate iron, to alleviate the problem of iron phosphate precipitation in hydroponic solutions. This is clearly shown in the table below, where the authors show how the first three solutions had almost or all of their Fe precipitate out, while the newest solutions, like Cooper’s developed in 1979, had less than 5.5% of its Fe precipitated.

This table shows the precipitated Fe and chelated portions of the micro nutrients in all the standard solutions.

The natural question when reading about standard solutions is: which one is the best one to use? Sadly, I don’t think there’s a simple answer. There have been multiple studies comparing standard solutions (see this one for an example). What ends up happening most of the time is that, while most of the solutions manage to grow healthy crops, one of the solutions happens to be more fit to the idiosyncrasies of the study because its conditions are better aligned with those that the authors developed the solutions under. A study revealing a solution to be better than another to grow plants under a given set of conditions does not imply that this solution will be the best one for all plants under all conditions. For this reason, the optimization of nutrient solutions to particular conditions using tissue analysis is still pursued in order to maximize yields.

My advice would be to view the above solutions as well researched starting points for your hydroponic crops. These solutions, especially the ones developed after 1940, will do a good basic job growing your plants. If you’re interested in making your own solutions, starting with a solution like the Hoagland, Steiner, or Cooper solutions is a great way to begin making your own nutrients. Once you have a basic standard solution working for you, you can then tweak it to maximize your yield and improve your crop’s quality.

The stability of metal chelates

When you get introduced to hydroponics and nutrient solution chemistry, one of the first concepts that you learn is chelation. A chelate is a molecule formed by a metallic ion and a chelating agent – which is also referred to as a ligand – where the metal ion is wrapped around very tightly by this ligand. The job of the chelating agent is to keep the heavy metal ion shielded from the environment, allowing it to exist in solution without forming potentially insoluble compounds that will take it out of the nutrient solution. However, these chelates can be unstable or too stable, both of which can hinder the availability of the nutrient to plants. In this post, we’re going to talk about what determines the stability of a metal chelate and how you can know if a given chelate will be able to fulfill its job in a hydroponic environment.

A simplified view of the chemical equilibrium formed |M| refers to the concentration of the free metallic ion, |L| the ligand concentration and |ML| the chelate concentration. Charges are omitted for simplicity.

Since chelates are formed by the reaction of a metallic ion – most commonly a cation – which a ligand, a chemical equilibrium is established between the free metallic ion, the ligand, and the chelate. Every second, there are lots of chelate molecules being formed from reactions between metallic ions and ligands, and free metallic ions and ligands are being formed from the disassembly of the chelate. The process is in equilibrium when the rates of assembly and disassembly are the same. The equilibrium constant – also known as the stability constant or Kb – tells us how displaced this equilibrium is towards the product (in this case the chelate). When the Kb value is large, the concentration of the chelate at equilibrium is very large, while when Kb is small, the opposite is true. Since these numbers are usually very large for chelates, we express them as pKb which is -Log(Kb). These constants depend on temperature, but their values are independent of other chemical reactions. However, things like pH can affect the concentration of ligand or metal cation, which can affect the concentration of chelate, since the equilibrium constant’s value remains the same.

  Al(III) Ba Ca Co(II) Cu Fe(II) Fe(III) Hg Mg Mn Ni Sr Zn
Acetic acid   0.39 0.53 2.24       3.7d 0.51   0.74 0.43 1.03
Adipic acid   1.92 2.19   3.35                
ADP   2.36 2.82 3.68 5.9       3.11 3.54 4.5 2.5 4.28
Alanine   0.8 1.24 4.82 8.18         3.24 5.96 0.73 5.16
b-Alanine         7.13           4.63   4
Albumin     2.2                    
Arginine           3.2       2      
Ascorbic acid     0.19                 0.35  
Asparagine     0                 0.43  
Aspartic acid   1.14 1.16 5.9 8.57       2.43 3.74 7.12 1.48 2.9
ATP   3.29 3.6 4.62 6.13       4 3.98 5.02 3.03 4.25
Benzoic acid         1.6           0.9   0.9
n-Butyric acid   0.31 0.51   2.14       0.53     0.36 1
Casein     2.23                    
Citraconic acid     1.3                 1.3  
Citric acid   2.3 3.5 4.4 6.1 3.2 11.85 10.9d 2.8 3.2 4.8 2.8 4.5
Cysteine       9.3 19.2 6.2   14.4d < 4 4.1 10.4   9.8
Dehydracetic acid         5.6           4.1    
Desferri-ferrichrysin             29.9            
Desferri-ferrichrome             29            
Desferri-ferrioxamin E       11.8 13.7   32.5       12.2   12
3,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid     3.71 7.96 12.8       5.67 7.22 8.27   8.91
Dimethylglyoxime         11.9           14.6   7.7
O,O-Dimethylpurpurogallin     4.5 6.6 9.2       4.9   6.7   6.8
EDTA 16.13 7.78 10.7 16.21 18.8 14.3 25.7 21.5d 8.69 13.6 18.6 8.63 16.5
Formic acid   0.6 0.8   1.98   3.1         0.66 0.6
Fumaric acid   1.59 2   2.51         0.99   0.54  
Globulin     2.32                    
Gluconic acid   0.95 1.21   18.3       0.7     1 1.7
Glutamic acid   1.28 1.43 5.06 7.85 4.6     1.9 3.3 5.9 1.37 5.45
Glutaric acid   2.04 1.06   2.4       1.08     0.6 1.6
Glyceric acid   0.80b 1.18           0.86     0.89 1.8
Glycine   0.77 1.43 5.23 8.22 4.3 10 10.3 3.45 3.2 6.1 0.91 5.16
Glycolic acid   0.66 1.11 1.6 2.81   4.7   0.92     0.8 1.92
Glycylglycine     1.24 3 6.7 2.62 9.1   1.34 2.19 4.18   3.91
Glycylsarcosine       3.91 6.5         2.29 4.44    
Guanosine       3.2 6 4.3     3   3.8   4.6
Histamine       5.16 9.55 9.6 3.72       6.88   5.96
Histidine       7.3 10.6 5.89 4     3.58 8.69   6.63
b-Hydroxybutyric   0.43 0.6           0.6     0.47 1.06
3-Hydroxyflavone       9.91 13.2               9.7
Inosine       2.6 5 3         3.3    
Inosine triphosphate     3.76 4.74         4.04 4.57      
Iron-free ferrichrome             24.6            
Isovaleric acid     0.2   2.08                
Itaconic acid     1.2   2.8           1.8 0.96 1.9
Kojic acid 7.7   2.5 7.11 6.6   9.2   3   7.4   4.9
Lactic acid   0.55 1.07 1.89 3.02   6.4   0.93 1.19 2.21 0.7 1.86
Leucine       4.49 7 3.42 9.9     2.15 5.58   4.92
Lysine             4.5     2.18      
Maleic acid   2.26 2.43   3.9         1.68 2 1.1 2
Malic acid   1.3 1.8   3.4       1.55 2.24   1.45 2.8
Methionine           3.24 9.1       5.77   4.38
Methylsalicylate         5.9   9.77            
NTA >10 4.82 6.41 10.6 12.7 8.84 15.87   5.41 7.44 11.3 4.98 10.45
Orotic acid       6.39c             6.82   6.42
Ornithine       4.02 6.9 3.09 8.7     <2 4.85   4.1
Oxalic acid 7.26 2.31 3 4.7 6.3 >4.7 9.4   2.55 3.9 5.16 2.54 4.9
b-Phenylalanine         7.74 3.26 8.9            
Pimelic acid                   1.08      
Pivalic acid     0.55   2.19                
Polyphosphate     3   3.5 3     3.2 5.5 3   2.5
Proline           4.07 10     3.34      
Propionic acid   0.34 0.5   2.2   3.45   0.54     0.43 1.01
Purine         6.9           4.88    
Pyrophosphate     5   6.7   22.2   5.7   5.8   8.7
Pyruvic acid     0.8   2.2                
Riboflavin       3.9 <6         3.4 4.1   <4
Salicylaldehyde       4.67 7.4 4.22 8.7   3.69 3.73 5.22   4.5
Salicylic acid 14.11     6.72 10.6 6.55 16.35   4.7 2.7 6.95   6.85
Sarcosine       4.34 7.83 3.52 9.7       5.41    
Serine     1.43     3.43 9.2       5.44    
Succinic acid   1.57 1.2 2.08 3.3   7.49   1.2 2.11 2.36 0.9 1.78
( + )-Tartaric acid   1.95 1.8   3.2   7.49   1.36   3.78 1.94 2.68
Tetrametaphosphate   4.9 5.2   3.18       5.17   4.95 2.8  
Threonine           3.3 8.6            
Trimetaphosphate     2.5   1.55       1.11 3.57 3.22 1.95  
Triphosphate   6.3 6.5   9.8       5.8     3.8 9.7
Tryptophan             9            
Uridine diphosphate                 3.17        
Uridine triphosphate     3.71 4.55         4.02 4.78      
n-Valeric acid   0.2 0.3   2.12                
Valine         7.92 3.39 9.6     2.84 5.37   5
Xanthosine       2.8 3.4 <2         3   2.4
This table was originally present in a website that no longer exists. The data is taken from the NIST reference of heavy metal complexes.

The table above shows you the pKb values for different metal ions and different ligands or chelating agents. Since the pKb scale is logarithmic, a difference of 1 indicates an order of magnitude higher stability. You can also find additional references to other stability constants in this link. These constants allow us to predict which chelates will be formed if different metallic cations and ligands are present. Let’s say we have a solution that contains Ca2+ and Fe3+ and we add a small amount of sodium citrate, what will happen? Since the constant for Ca2+ is 3.5 but that of Fe3+ is 11.85, citrate will chelate around 1 billion Fe3+ ions for every Ca2+ ion it chelates. In practice, this means that all the Fe3+ that can be chelated will be, while Ca2+ will remain as a free metallic ion. However, if we have Fe2+ instead of Fe3+ then Fe2+ has a constant of only 3.2, which means that one molecule of Fe2+ will be chelated for every 3 of Ca2+, meaning we will have around 25% of all the chelate formed as a chelate formed by Fe2+ and 75% as a chelate formed by Ca2+.

We can see in this manner how chelating only one heavy metal can lead to problems. Imagine that you purchase Iron EDTA and add it to your nutrient solution, but you have added Manganese from Manganese sulfate. Upon addition, the FeEDTA chelate will disassemble to generate as much Fe2+ and free EDTA as dictated by the equilibrium constant and the free EDTA will then get into equilibria with all the other heavy metals, since the constant with Mn is 13.6 and that of Fe is 14.3 the ligand will redistribute itself so that it complies with all the chemical equilibria present. This means that for every 7 Fe2+ cations that are chelated we will have around 1 Mn2+ containing chelate, so you will lose around 14% of the chelated Fe in order to chelate free Manganese. That free Fe2+ will be unstable and precipitate out, which will shift the equilibrium and cause us to lose more of the Fe chelate. This is how competing equilibria can lead to the slow but sure depletion of available cations in solution.

With the above references and charts, you should now be able to look into any chelating agent you want to use and determine how good of a choice it is for your solution and what is likely to happen once you put that chelate in. The ligand will chelate different metals in order to comply with all the equilibrium constants, so it is up to you to add enough so that all heavy metals are satisfied or add ligands whose affinity for a given ion is so high that the others are just unable to compete for it, almost regardless of their concentration.

Differences between labels and actual composition values in commercial hydroponic fertilizers

Whenever I am hired to duplicate a company’s fertilizer regime based on commercial products, I always emphasize that I cannot use the labels of the products as a reference because of how misleading these labels can be. A fertilizer company only needs to tell you the minimum amount of each element it guarantees there is in the product, but it does not have to tell you the exact amount. For example, a company might tell you their fertilizer is 2% N, while it is in reality 3%. If you tried to reproduce the formulation by what’s on the label you would end up with substantially less N, which would make your mix perform very differently. This is why lab analysis of the actual bottles is necessary to determine what needs to be done to reproduce the formulations.

Average deviation from the reported composition on the label compared with lab analysis.

How bad is this problem though? Are companies just under-reporting by 1-5% in order to ensure they are always compliant with the minimum guaranteed amount accounting for manufacturing errors or are they underreporting substantially in order to ensure all reverse engineering attempts based on the labels fail miserably? I have a lot of information about this from my experience with customers – which is why I know the problem is pretty bad – but I am not able to publicly share any of it, as these lab tests are under non-disclosure agreements with them. However, I recently found a website from the Oregon government (see here), where they share all the chemical analysis of fertilizers they have done in the past as well as whatever is claimed on labels.

The Oregon database is available in pdf form, reason why I had to develop a couple of custom programming tools to process all the information and put it into a readable database. So far I have only processed the fertilizers that were registered in 2015, but I am going to process all the fertilizers available in their database up until 2018 (the last year when this report was uploaded). However, you can already see patterns emerging for just the 2015 data. That year there were 245 fertilizers tested, from which 213 contained N, P, K, Ca, S or Mg. If we compare the lab results for these elements with the results from the lab analysis, we can calculate the average deviation for them, which you can see above. As you can see, companies will include, on average, 20%+ of what the labels say they contain. This is way more of a deviation than what you would expect to cover manufacturing variations (which are expected to be <10% in a well-designed process) so this is definitely an effort to prevent reverse engineering.

Median divergence between compositions derived from labels and lab analyses.
Boxplot of the divergences between compositions derived from labels and lab analyses.

Furthermore, the deviations are by no means homogeneous in the database. The above graphs showing the box plot and median deviation values, show us that most people will actually be deviated by less than 5% from their label requirements, but others will be very largely deviated, with errors that can be in the 100%+ deviation from their reported concentration. In many cases, companies also have negative deviations, which implies that the variance of their manufacturing process was either unaccounted for or there was a big issue in the manufacturing process (for example they forgot to add the chemical containing the element). These people would be in violation of the guaranteed analysis rules and would be fined and their product registrations could be removed.

With this information, we can say that most people try to report things within what would be considered reasonable if the label is to remain accurate (deviations in the 1-5% range) to account for their manufacturing issues but many companies will choose to drift heavily for this and report values that are completely misleading relative to the labels. These companies are often the ones that are most widely used as they are the ones who want to protect themselves from reverse engineering most aggressively.

Take for example General Hydroponics (GH). Their FloraGro product is registered with an available phosphate of 1%, while the actual value in the product is 1.3%, this is a 30% deviation, far above the median of the industry. They will also not just underreport everything by the same amount – because then your formulation would perfectly match when you matched their target EC – but they will heavily underreport some elements and be accurate for others. In this same Floragro product, the K2O is labeled as 6% and the lab analysis is 5.9%, meaning that they reported the value of K pretty accurately. However, by underreporting some but not others, they guarantee that you will skew your elemental ratios by a big margin if you try to reverse engineer the label, which will make your nutrients work very differently compared to their bottles.

As you can see, you just cannot trust fertilizer labels. Although most of the smaller companies will seek to provide accurate labels within what is possible due to manufacturing differences, big companies will often engineer their reporting to make it as hard as possible for reverse engineering of the labels to be an effective tactic to copy them. If you want to ever copy a commercial nutrient formulation, make sure you perform a lab analysis so that you know what you will be copying and never, ever, rely solely on the labels. I will continue working on this dataset, adding the remaining fertilizers, and I will expand my analyses to include micronutrients, which are covered by Oregon government tests.

Five common mistakes people make when formulating hydroponic nutrients

It is not very difficult to create a basic DIY hydroponic formulation; the raw salts are available at a very low cost, and the target concentrations for the different nutrients can be found online. My nutrient calculator – HydroBuddy – contains large amounts of pre-made formulations in its database that you can use as a base for your first custom hydroponic endeavors. However, there are some common mistakes that are made when formulating hydroponic nutrients that can seriously hurt your chances of success when creating a hydroponic recipe of your own. In this post I will be going through the 5 mistakes I see most often and tell you why these can seriously hurt your chances of success.

Failing to account for the water that will be used. A very common mistake when formulating nutrients is to ignore the composition of the water that you will be using and how your hydroponic formulation needs to account for that. If your water contains a lot of calcium or magnesium then you will need to adjust your formulation to use less of these nutrients. It is also important not to trust an analysis report from your water company but to do a water analysis yourself, since water analysis reports from your water company might not be up to date or might not cover the exact water source your water is coming from. It is also important to do several analyses per year in order to account for variations in the water composition due to temperature (which can be big). Other substances, such as carbonates and silicates also need to be taken into account in your formulation as these will affect the pH and chemical behavior of your hydroponic solution.

Failing to account for substances needed to adjust the pH of the hydroponic solution. When a hydroponic solution is prepared, the pH of the solution will often need to be adjusted to a pH that is within an acceptable range in hydroponics (often 5.8-6.2). This is commonly achieved by adding acid since when tap/well water is used, a substantial amount of carbonates and/or silicates will need to be neutralized. Depending on the salt choices made for the recipe, adjustments could still be needed even if RO water is used. Since these adjustments most commonly use phosphoric acid, not accounting for them can often cause solutions to become very P rich with time, causing problems with the absorption of other nutrients, especially Zn and Cu. A nutrient formulation should account for the pH corrections that will be required and properly adjust the concentration of nutrients so that they will reach the proper targets considering these additions.

Iron is chelated but manganese is not. It is quite common in hydroponics for people to formulate nutrients where Fe is chelated with EDTA and/or DTPA but manganese sources are not chelated at all, often added from sulfates. Since manganese has a high affinity for these chelating agents as well, it will take some of these chelating agents from the Fe and then cause Fe phosphates to precipitate in concentrated solutions. To avoid this problem, many nutrient solutions in A/B configurations that do not chelate their Mn will have the Fe in the A solution and then the other micronutrients in the B solution. This can be problematic as it implies the Fe/other micro ratios will change if different stages with different A/B proportions are used through the crop cycle. In order to avoid this issue, always make sure all the micronutrients are chelated.

Not properly considering the ammonium/nitrate ratio. Nitrogen coming from nitrate and nitrogen coming from ammonium are completely different chemically and absorbed very differently by plants. While plants can live with solutions with concentrations of nitrogen coming from nitrate as high as 200-250ppm, they will face substantial toxicity issues with solutions that contain ammonium at only a fraction of this concentration. It is therefore quite important to ensure that you’re adding the proper sources of nitrogen and that the ratio of ammonium to nitrate is in the ideal range for the plants that you’re growing. When in doubt, plants can survive quite well with only nitrogen from nitrate, so you can completely eliminate any additional sources of ammonium. Note that urea, provides nitrogen that is converted to nitrogen from ammonium, so avoid using urea as a fertilizer in hydroponic.

Not considering the media composition and contributions. When growing in hydroponic systems, the media can play a significant role in providing nutrients to the hydroponic crop and different media types will provide nutrients very differently. A saturated media extract (SME) analysis will give you an idea of what the media can contribute and you can therefore adjust your nutrient solution to account for some of the things that the media will be putting into the solution. There are sadly no broad rules of thumb for this as the contributions from the media will depend on how the media was pretreated and how/if it was amended. It will often be the case that untreated coco will require formulations with significantly lower K, while buffered/treated coco might not require this. Some peat moss providers also heavily amend their media with dolomite/limestone, which substantially changes Ca/Mg requirements, as the root system

Practical use of ion selective electrodes in hydroponics

The achievement of adequate ion concentrations in nutrient solutions, media and plant tissue is key to success in hydroponics. It is therefore important to measure them, so that proper values can be maintained. Up until now, this has been mostly achieved with the use of external lab testing but electrochemical developments made during the past 10 years have made the production of ion selective electrodes with high enough selectivity coefficients viable at a large scale. This means that it is now possible to obtain sensors that yield accurate enough measurements of nitrate, potassium and calcium concentrations, which allows for routine monitoring of these values without having to worry too much about complicated electrode calibration that accounts for selectivity issues. In today’s article I am going to be talking about these electrodes and how they can be used in hydroponic crops.

A potassium ion selective electrode manufactured by Horiba

An ion selective electrode is an electrochemical device that is sensitive to the concentration of a single ion in solution. This is commonly achieved by coating an electrode with a molecule that can uniquely accommodate that ion, so that the potential measured across that electrode and a reference electrode will change proportionally to the concentration of that ion. A pH electrode achieves this effect with glass – a pH electrode is basically an H3O+ ion selective electrode – while to sense other ions the use of other molecules is required. For example Valinomycin – a molecule originally developed as an anti-biotic – is able to accommodate K+ ions very selectively, reason why an electrode coated with a Valinomycin containing membrane will be sensitive to changes in K+ concentration.

The issue with using these electrodes in hydroponics has always been two fold. First, the electrodes were commonly very expensive (thousands of dollars per electrode) and second, the selectivity of the electrodes was limited enough that the concentrations of other ions in hydroponic solutions caused substantial interference. This meant that accurate use in hydroponics required someone with analytical chemistry training that would calibrate the electrodes to variations in a single ion against a more complicated ionic background, a process which greatly limited the applicability of the technology. However, companies like Horiba have now developed electrodes that overcome both of these issues, with electrodes that have high selectivity coupled with very attractive prices. You can see Horiba’s ion selective electrodes for potassium, calcium and nitrate in the links below. These electrodes are very simple to use and come with solutions to perform 2 point calibrations which are good enough given their high selectivity.

Note that Horiba is not sponsoring this content, but the links below are amazon affiliate links that will help support this blog at no extra cost to you, if you decide to purchase them.

Are these electrodes good enough for hydroponics? The answer is, yes! This independent Spanish research thesis looked at the use of two different brands of ion selective electrode for the determination of potassium, calcium and nitrate in hydroponic solutions. Their results show that the Horiba probes achieve good accuracy in the determination of all of these ions, correlating very well with lab measurements of the same nutrient solutions. With these probes you can therefore monitor the concentrations of K, Ca and N as nitrate as a function of time, giving you substantial information about the accuracy of your solution preparations and – probably most importantly in the case of Ca – information about how your water supply calcium content is changing through time, which can be very important if you’re using tap water to prepare your hydroponic solutions. The determinations are instantaneous, which gives you the ability to quickly react, without the need to wait for a long time for lab analysis to come back.

Results for lab measured Vs probe measured nitrate concentrations for hydroponic nutrient solutions using the Horiba probes.

Another very interesting use of these ion selective electrodes is for the monitoring of plant sap to measure nutrient concentrations in tissue. This can be achieved by collecting petiole tissue from mature leaves to perform an extraction – using a garlic press – which then generates sap that can be measured directly using the electrodes. This gives you the ability to perform a lot of tissue measurements, allowing you not only to look at nutrient concentrations of a single plant, but to monitor tissue concentrations from different plants or even different zones in the same plant. You can obtain results from the analysis right away, which allows for much quicker actions to be taken if required. Horiba shows some examples of how this sap analysis can be carried out here.

Although the information given by the above electrodes is not perfect, it has the advantage of being instantaneous and known to correlate very well with lab results measured using ICP. The ability to carry out 10x more analysis and to monitor these three ions way more closely in tissue, nutrient solutions, run-off, foliar sprays, etc, opens up a lot of ways to improve crop nutrition and to see problems coming way before they become major issues. Imagine being able to monitor the K, Ca and nitrate concentration in your solutions and plant tissue daily, instead of once a week, month or even sometimes even only once per crop cycle, for a fraction of the cost.

Inner leaf tipburn in hydroponic lettuce

The most common problem I get contacted for by hydroponic lettuce growers is the appearance of inner leaf tipburn within their plants. During the past 10 years I have consulted for dozens of growers and helped many of them solve this issue. There can be multiple causes for the problem but a careful evaluation of the crop can often lead to a viable solution. In today’s article I am going to talk about the main reasons why inner leaf tipburn is such a big problem with hydroponic lettuce, what can cause it and how it can be fixed.

Lettuce showing classic inner leaf tipburn. Image was taken from this article (8)

What is this leaf tipburn issue? It appears as lettuce heads become adult plants, the tips of the inner lettuce leaves die off. This happens because of a lack of enough calcium at the edges of the leaves, which causes the rapidly growing tissue at the center of the lettuce head to start dying of. This does not happen at the outer leaves of the plant because these leaves get much more efficient nutrient transport, while the inner leaves receive a much more limited amount of calcium. In most hydroponic cases this is actually not related at all with a lack of calcium in the nutrient solution, but with the transport of the Calcium from the solution to the leaves. It is often the case in hydroponic crops that conditions are so favorable for fast growth that the leaves of the plant grow too fast and Calcium transport just cannot keep up (5, 6).

Due to the above it is common for measures that help with Ca absorption to also help with the elimination of this tipburn phenomenon. An effective change in the nutrient solution is to reduce the K:Ca ratio if this ratio is significantly high. Going from a solution that has a high ratio (say 3:1) to a solution with a ratio closer to 1.25:1 can heavily reduce tip burn by reducing the competition of K with Ca and facilitating Ca transport. Making it easier for the plant to move nutrients by reducing the EC of the solution can often lead to improvements in this issue, this is both because lower EC values reduce overall nutrient absorption, making growth slower, therefore enabling the Ca to be absorbed to meet the needs of the plant. You can see experimental evidence for the two suggestions above in (1). This is why lettuce formulated nutrients will generally have K:Ca ratios close to 1.25:1 and why the EC values recommended are usually in the 1-2mS/cm range, even though higher EC levels can indeed be more productive in terms of mass produced per day.

Leaves with tipburn in lettuce as a function of light intensity (taken from 2)

Since tipburn is related to how fast plants are grown, it is usually effective to reduce the light intensity in order to alleviate the tipburn problem (2). While growing lettuce at higher PPFD values can generate larger amounts of dry weight per day, it also correlates with a significantly larger amount of tipburn within the crop, precisely because growth is more aggressive. This, in combination with the fact that warmer temperatures further increase growth speed, is an important reason why there is significantly higher incidence of leaf tipburn in lettuce for crops that are produced during the spring/summer (3).

Environmental modifications to increase Ca transport can also be quite successful at helping prevent leaf tipburn, these can be particularly important when the desire to maximize yields as a function of time is fundamental (for example when growing lettuce in space). Constantly blowing air directly into the inner leaves of lettuce plants has been shown to effectively prevent the tipburn issue, as the constant stream of air increases nutrient transport to the lower leaves, by increasing evaporation and replenishing carbon dioxide (3,4). Note that these experiments are usually done in enriched CO2 environments, which is a modification that also helps with the issue.

One of the most practical approaches for the control and prevention of tip burn is also the application of calcium foliar sprays, with one of the most effective treatments – as it is also the case for many different crops – being the use of Calcium chloride (7). Treatments of crops twice a week with 400-800 ppm of Ca from calcium chloride can be quite effective in controlling tip burn with minimal decrease in yields. Additionally, calcium chloride can also be effective in the prevention of fungal disease which makes this proposition even more interesting. However, the use of foliar sprays like these requires a careful evaluation of the environmental conditions, as they can cause other problems if they are applied incorrectly.

Tip burn as a function of foliar Ca application rate. Taken from (7)

In my experience, the correction of tip burn should start with an evaluation of the nutrient solution, to evaluate if enough calcium is present in solution, if the ratios of Ca to other cations, such as Mg, K and Na is correct and if salinity due to carbonates, Na, Cl or other such ions is too high. The EC can then be evaluated to determine whether it needs to be decreased to modify the growth rate and help alleviate the issue. Once the nutrient solution aspects are considered, the environmental conditions should be carefully evaluated to determine if changes to either temperature, relative humidity, air circulation, carbon dioxide concentration or light intensity are possible and if so, if they would be helpful. If the environmental conditions allow it, a foliar spray can also be formulated to supplement calcium to the crop using a highly available calcium salt – like Ca chloride – which should also help with the transport of Ca to leaf tissue.

The effect of Seaweed/Kelp extracts in plants

Few bio-stimulants are more popularly used than seaweed/kelp extracts. These are used by many growers to increase plant quality and yields, in particular, extracts from the Ascophyllum nodosum species are an all-time favorite of the industry. These extract have also been studied extensively for the past 40 years, with large amounts of evidence gathered about their effects and properties across several different plant species. In this article, I will be talking about what the research says about their use, why these extracts work, how these have usually been applied and what you should be looking for when using this type of bio-stimulant.

Composition of some seaweed extracts in 1991 (taken from (1) linked below)

The use of kelp extracts is so common, that there was already enough research done about their use to publish a review on the subject in 1991 (1), a lot of the information below comes from this source. Seaweed has been used by farmers for hundreds of years, as it could be used as an alternative to lime in order to alkalinize acidic peatmoss soils, due to the high basicity of seaweed extracts (as some are very high in calcium carbonate content). Seaweed extracts also contain a lot of micro and macro nutrients – as shown above – in proportions that are useful for their use as fertilizer. They are a significant source of potassium and calcium, although the variability of the composition – as shown in the table above – can be quite important. They also contain micronutrients but their low presence relative to plant needs implies that the positive effects of the extracts are most likely not due to them.

Perhaps one of the most important factors surrounding seaweeds is their content of bioactive molecules. These extracts contain an important array of cytokinins, which are plant hormones that will significantly affect plant growth. Auxins, gibberillin-like substances and ethylene precursors like aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, have also been detected in seaweed extracts. The cytokinins are usually present in concentrations of around 2-20 ppm in the concentrated extracts, which are enough to cause effects, even if the final diluted versions will be at much lower concentrations. The application of seaweed extracts is usually done through an entire crop cycle and is usually cumulative in nature.

Application rate, frequency, seaweed species and extract processing methods can substantially affect results, with many contradictory results showing up in the literature, with some people showing increases in growth and yields while others show no effects at all. The review quoted above describes many examples of positive results, including examples showing weight gains, yield gains and increases in certain nutrients, like P and N. The review also talks about the ability of seaweed extracts to increase resistance to pests and improve crop quality. A more recent review from 2014 (2) further expands on a lot of these positive effects, citing extensive literature showing increases in yields, dry weights and quality for a wide variety of plant species. In total, more than 30 different papers showing increases in yields due to the use of kelp extracts are cited in this review. There are also more than 20 articles cited describing increases in disease resistance or other mechanisms of defense elicitation due to the use of the seaweed extracts.

Results of a seaweed extract application in tomatoes (taken from (3))

Foliar applications of seaweed can be carried out at varied levels of frequency and concentration. Applications at a 0.2-0.5% w/v of dry extracts are most common, although higher or lower concentrations have also been found to be effective. As a root drench applications will tend to be on the lower side, as the seaweed contains a substantial amount of NaCl, which can be damaging to plants. Timing of applications can also be quite critical, some growers apply the extract equally spaced through the entire growing periods, while others attempt to time the application with a specific growth phase. Success is reported in both cases, although papers that describe different timing of single applications often find significant differences. To arrive at the optimal usage for a plant species it will be necessary to carry out tests with single applications at different intervals, although single weekly applications are likely to be successful if a less involved approach is desired.

Although the use of seaweed extracts can be very positive, it is also worth mentioning that it is very dependent on the quality and consistency of the extract being produced. Since we know that most of the positive effects of these seaweeds are related to their plant hormone content, their use can sometimes be replaced with specific applications of plant hormones, if the effects are properly understood. The discussion in (2) cited before points to the fact that kinetin applications have been able to match the effects of kelp extracts, at a fraction of the cost and the environmental impact at least in a few cases.

Photographs showing the effect of kelp extract on root nodulation in alfalfa. Taken from this review (4)

With all the above said, it is quite evident that kelp/seaweed extracts have been widely confirmed to have positive effects in the growing of plants, beyond any reasonable doubt. This effect is mostly related with the hormones they contain and is therefore dependent on the seaweed species, where it is grown and how the seaweed powder is generated. Although root and foliar applications of kelp can both be used to improve results, the use of foliar applications is often favored in order to avoid the introduction of some undesired ions into the growing media. If you’re not using kelp, go ahead, it’s bound to help!

Characterizing hydroponic stock nutrient solutions

I’ve written several articles in the past about how to characterize concentrated hydroponic nutrient solutions using simple yet highly accurate small scale methods. I have now released a video showing how this is all done in practice, using the B solution I showed how to prepare in a previous video.