Nutrient problems and foliar sprays

Nutrient related issues are common in hydroponic crops. They can happen due to a large variety of issues, including pH drifting, EC drifting, lack of proper nutrient ratios, humidity issues, temperature issues and root damage. The fact that an issue is of a nutritional nature will be evident within a leaf tissue analysis, but its correction by changing the nutrient solution’s composition might not be evident, since transport problems imply that a deficiency in tissue might happen for a wide variety of reasons different than the concentration in the nutrient solution being “too low” (read more here). In today’s post I will talk a bit about why the quickest path to recovery might actually be to perform foliar sprays instead of only attempting to change the chemistry of the nutrient solution.

Let’s first talk a bit about nutrient transport in plants. A foliar analysis might be showing you a low level of an element like K in tissue, but this does not necessarily mean that the plant doesn’t have enough access to K in the nutrient solution. All we know from a foliar analysis is that K has not been able to go into the leaves, but this doesn’t automatically mean that K in solution is too low. This problem can happen if the temperature of the room is too high and the relative humidity is too low – very high VPD conditions – in which calcium and magnesium will be uptaken very aggressively and the plant will be deprived of potassium significantly. You can see this in studies like this one where it is clearly shown that the concentration of potassium in tissue is proportional to VPD more aggressively than to K concentration in nutrient solution.

The real fix to a problem like the problem above would be to lower the VPD of the environment – by reducing temperature or increasing relative humidity, depending on what’s wrong – but choosing to just increase the amount of K in the nutrient solution would only lead to a minor response from the plant (because that’s not the problem in this case). If the grower makes an assumption and that assumption is wrong, then significant time would have been lost in the fixing of the problem and the leaf tissue analysis will reflect very limited progress.

Image taken from this study, showing the relationship between VPD conditions and K

This is where foliar spraying comes into play. In order to “hedge our bets” in the fixing of a nutritional problem, we might want to increase the supply of the nutrient available to plant leaves by applying that nutrient to leaves directly while we figure out what is wrong with the environment or the nutrient solution. This will alleviate the issue because we will be delivering the nutrient directly to leaf tissue, regardless of what the actual root cause of the problem creating the blockage in nutrient transport is. That way, if we are wrong about the fix, we will already have made some progress in fixing the problem by delivering the nutrient that we’re failing to transport where it is more strongly required.

Granted, there are a couple of caveats here. The first is that we must have leaf tissue analysis so that we are sure about what needs to be applied (no guessing). The second is that we still need to look into what the root cause is and solve the issue, otherwise the foliar spraying will eventually reach a limit and be unable to completely get the plants back to full health. Think of the foliar sprays as the CPR you can give your plants while the ambulance is on the way, the plants won’t be able to survive from the CPR forever, but it will help them stay alive while the true solution for the problem arrives.

Table taken from this study showing how effective foliar applications of Zn can be in delivering the nutrient to leaves in tomato plants

To design a foliar spray to alleviate a deficiency, first read my post about some important considerations when using this technique. Second, make sure you start with lower concentrations, to prevent further stressing plants that might already be subjected to a significant degree of stress. Third, make sure you test the foliar spray on a small group of plants so that you know what the response of the plants will be before applying to the entire crop. Under some circumstances using this method might cause additional issues, so it’s important to make sure the plants can take the spray before subjecting a larger number of plants to it. When doing a foliar spray to alleviate a deficiency I suggest carrying it out only once a week initially and moving to two times per week if necessary until the root cause is fixed and the applications can be stopped.

If you are currently facing a nutrient deficiency problem and would like my help in formulating a foliar fertilizer for your specific case feel free to use the contact form or book an hour of consultation time so that we can further discuss your issue and help you fix your crop’s condition.

Five important things to consider when doing foliar spraying

Foliar spraying is a true and tested way to increase yields and prevent issues in plant culture. Both soil and hydroponic growers have used foliar fertilizer applications to increase yields and prevent problems due to nutrient deficiencies during the past 50 years. However there is a lot of mystery and confusion surrounding foliar fertilizer applications, reason why this technique is often applied incorrectly or sub-optimally. Today I want to talk about 5 key pieces of information to consider when doing foliar fertilization so that you can be more successful when applying it to improve your crop results and reduce deficiency problems. If you want to learn more about these factors I suggest you read the following reviews on foliar feeding (here, here and here). Second table in this post was taken from this study on wheat.

Image result for foliar spray

Foliar fertilization is not root fertilization. A usual problem when doing foliar fertilization is to think that the same products can be used for leaves and roots. When you want to increase your crop yields using foliar fertilization you should definitely not use the same products and concentrations you use for soil. There are for example some chemical substances that you would never want to apply to the roots that have actually shown to give better outcomes in leaves. A good example is calcium chloride which is a huge mistake in root fertilizers but a great choice when doing foliar fertilization.

Foliar fertilizers should generally be much more concentrated. When people apply foliar fertilization they usually apply much lower concentrations because they are afraid of burning leaves. Although this can certainly happen if the foliar fertilizer is badly designed research has shown that the best results are obtained with much higher concentrations than what you generally use for the roots. For example when you apply an iron foliar fertilization regime you generally use a concentration of 500-1200 ppm of Fe while in root applications you only very rarely go beyond 4-5 (most commonly 1-3 ppm). Usually concentrations in foliar fertilizers will be much higher and if the fertilizer is correctly designed this will give much better results. The graph below (taken from the first review linked above), shows some of the most commonly used fertilizer concentrations.

Surfactants are very important (don’t use dish washing soap!). Leaf coverage is very important in foliar applications because you want the fertilizer to be evenly spread across the entire leaf not “clumped” into drops due to surface tension. Many people have trouble with nutrient burn due to bad fertilizer design that causes inadequate leaf coverage. However all surfactants are not created equal and ionic fertilizers are very undesirable for this task due to their interaction with leaf tissue and fertilizers. Due to this reason you should NOT use something like dish washer liquid soap but a proper non-ionic surfactant like a polysorbate. The surfactant will be a very important part of your foliar fertilizer formulation.

Timing is also critical. The time when you do your foliar sprays applications is also very important for optimal results. In general you want the leaf stomata to be open and the vapor pressure deficit to be lower so the best time to do foliar spraying is usually during the afternoon after temperatures have dropped significantly. For most time zones this usually means sometime after 3PM. Doing foliar applications sooner can lead to much larger stress due to a higher vapor pressure deficit – risking burns as well – while doing it later leads to less efficient absorption due to the stomata being closed. If applying the spray at this time is not possible then early morning often works as well. Make sure you measure your daily temperature/humidity fluctuations to ensure you don’t do foliar sprays at a high VPD.

Image result for foliar spray yield

Couple adequate additives for yield increases. Research has shown that while nutrient foliar spraying can enhance yields significantly under sub-optimal root feeding conditions if the root concentrations are already optimal – as in a well managed hydroponic crop – it is hard for simple nutrient foliar spraying to provide a lot of benefit. However there are several biostimulants that are poorly absorbed through the root zone that can give you much better results when used as foliar sprays. Additives like salicylic acid and triacontanol can make sure that your nutrient foliar spray gives you maximum additional benefits.

As you can see there is a lot to the design of an adequate foliar spray. You must consider that the substances you use need to be fit to the purpose – not necessarily the same as for root applications! – and that your concentrations, surfactants, additives and application times are adequate. Now that you are aware of these factors you should take them into account when designing your next round of foliar spraying for your crops.