

Hourly consultation service

This service has a cost of 150 USD/hour (minimum one hour) and is carried out either over the phone or skype. I will hear about your current setup and any issues you’re having and will suggest appropriate solutions. This service is also suitable if you just want to ask general questions about nutrients in hydroponics, nutrient solution preparation, formulations, additives, etc. Go to this page to book and pay a consultation time. Payments are done via paypal.

Custom nutrient solution formulation

If you require me to help you prepare a nutrient solution formulation for your crops please send me an email via the contact page describing your issue and I will reply with either a quote or further questions.

On-going consultation service

If you would like to hire me as a consultant to help you with an on-going hydroponic project so that you can ask as many questions as you want and get my assistance through the entire process send me an email describing your current situation through the contact page and I’ll be happy to send you a quote with the weekly cost of this service for your particular case.

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