Category: Outdoor Hydroponics


Completely Passive, Non-Recirculating Hydroponic Systems : Some Tips for Large Plants

On yesterday’s post I talked about the existence of completely passive, non-recirculating hydroponic systems and how they can be successfully used for the growth of almost any hydroponic crop you…

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Completely Passive, Non-Recirculating Hydroponic Systems : Yes, Its Possible

Generally when we think about growing plants hydroponically we think about complex setups with water pumps, air pumps, artificial lights, environmental control and greenhouses. However, it has been shown through…

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The Best Outdoor Hydroponic System. A Simple Way to Grow Large Amounts of Food

I have always seen that there is not a lot of information regarding outdoor hydroponics and the building of scalable and cheap systems that may provide large amounts of food…

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