Tag: hydroponic


Kinetin, a powerful hormone for flowering plants

Kinetin was the first cytokinin ever discovered. Scientists have used it extensively to stimulate cell division in tissue culture, as it is a powerful growth hormone. However, there isn’t a…

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A great trick to higher chelate stability in hydroponics

The stability of micronutrients in hydroponic solution has been studied in depth during the last 5 decades (1). The EDTA molecule was the first cheap synthetic ligand that created highly…

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The best hydroponic medium you have never heard of

One of the most important choices in a soilless crop is the medium. Ideally, the media in a hydroponic crop should provide no nutrition but just act as support material…

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How to make an organic hydroponic nutrient solution

Hydroponic nutrients are usually made with synthetic chemicals that come from industrial processes. While these chemicals are usually of a higher purity than those mined or obtained from animal or…

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Differences between labels and actual composition values in commercial hydroponic fertilizers

Whenever I am hired to duplicate a company’s fertilizer regime based on commercial products, I always emphasize that I cannot use the labels of the products as a reference because…

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