Tag: sensors


Properly positioning temperature and humidity sensors in a hydroponic growing environment

Temperature and humidity are two key variables you need to measure. They are important because they determine how your plants will transport water, and transpiration controls a lot of processes,…

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Commercial sensor and data logging solutions for hydroponics

On a previous post, I discussed a very interesting open-source sensor/data logging alternative for Hydroponics called MyCodo, which offers a lot of features and flexibility for those growers with the…

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Six things to look for in a Hydroponic sensor data logging system

Data is key. It will help you obtain high yields and improve with each additional crop cycle. Having sensor measurements not only allows you to diagnose your crop at any…

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Optimal air speed in a hydroponic crop

Wind speed is a particularly important, yet often overlooked variable in hydroponic crops. While growers in greenhouses will pay close attention to overall gas exchange characteristics (how much air exits…

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Using VH400 sensors to build an automated irrigation setup

I have written several posts in the past about the measurement of water content in media, I have covered some very low cost and easy to use sensors that can…

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The cricket IoT board: A great way to create simple low-power remote sensing stations for hydroponics

When you monitor variables in a hydroponic plant where more than a few plants exist, it becomes important to be able to deploy a wide array of sensors quickly and…

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Timing irrigations with moisture sensors in hydroponics

After discussing the different types of off-the-shelf sensors for measuring moisture in hydroponics (1,2,3), we are now going to explore the practical use of these sensors to time irrigations within…

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Tensiometers (irrometers) the best way to time irrigations in hydroponics

I have recently written blog posts about the measurements of water content in media in hydroponics. The first one was about the problems with resistive moisture sensors in hydroponics and…

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How to identify resistive moisture sensors and why to never use them in hydroponics

The measuring of media moisture, also known as water-content, is critical to successfully irrigating crops in hydroponics. Badly timed irrigations cause lots of the problems faced by novice and even…

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The best cheap sensor setup for relative humidity in hydroponic automation projects

I have written in the past about humidity in hydroponics, especially how accurately measuring humidity is hard due to problems with the sensors. In my experience during the past 5…

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