Tag: organic


How to make an organic hydroponic nutrient solution

Hydroponic nutrients are usually made with synthetic chemicals that come from industrial processes. While these chemicals are usually of a higher purity than those mined or obtained from animal or…

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How to get more phosphorus in organic hydroponics

It is difficult to supply plants with readily available phosphorus because of the insolubility of many phosphorus compounds (2). Whenever orthophosphoric acid species are present in a solution, all the…

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Organic nitrogen in hydroponics, the proven way

Nitrogen is a critical nutrient for plants. In hydroponics, we can choose to provide it in three ways, as nitrate, as ammonium or as organic nitrogen. This last choice is…

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A powerful organic fungicide for powdery mildew

Powdery mildew (PM) is a hard disease to fight. It affects plants of multiple different species and causes big crop losses around the world. Although the best treatment against it…

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The value of Fulvic Acid in hydroponics

Fulvic and humic acids have been studied for decades and used extensively in the soil and hydroponic growing industries. I previously talked about the use of humic acid in hydroponics…

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New to organic hydroponics? Consider these six things

Although hydroponic crops cannot usually be labeled as “organic” by official certifying authorities, like the USDA, we can create a hydroponic crop that is “organic” in spirit. We can do…

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Is hydroponics organic? Is it better or worse?

There has been a battle raging during the past decade between soil-based organic producers and hydroponic growers, to figure out whether hydroponically produced crops can or cannot be considered for…

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