Author: admin


Automating a hydroponic system: Sensors and monitoring

Hydroponic systems benefit greatly from gathering more information as this gives the grower the ability to better diagnose problems and better understand the evolution of their hydroponic crops. Usually growers…

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Is ortho-silicic acid worth the additional expense in hydroponics?

Silicon is all the rage right now and different silicon product manufacturers are racing to produce commercial products that contain more and more biologically active silicon. The idea is mainly…

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Nitrate, Ammonium and pH in hydroponics

The stability and variability of pH in hydroponic solutions has always been a complicated topic to discuss. There are many reasons why pH may change in a hydroponic system, ranging…

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HydroBuddy v1.100 : The First Free Open Source Hydroponic Nutrient Calculator Program Available Online

HydroBuddy is a completely free and open source program for the calculation of nutrient solutions for hydroponics and general agriculture built by me – Daniel Fernandez – based on my…

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Almost There Guys ! The New HydroBuddy v1.0 is Just Around the Corner :o)

Through the past few months its been very quiet here at mainly because I have been very busy with the development of the latest version of HydroBuddy as I…

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Walking Towards v.1.0 : Why Development of HydroBuddy is Taking Its Time

If you had been following my development of the free HydroBuddy nutrient calculator your probably have wondered why development seems to have “stopped” during the past few months. The truth…

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Instrument Precision : Its Importance in the Preparation of Hydroponic Nutrient Solutions

One of the most overlooked aspects when preparing hydroponic nutrient solutions is the actual precision of the instruments used to measure the salt or liquid reagent additions. People who are…

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Understanding Reagent Purity and Its Importance in Hydroponics

When making hydroponic nutrient solutions one of the most important concepts we need to understand is “reagent purity” and how this affects the overall quality and composition of our hydroponic…

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HydroBuddy’s Online Hydroponic Formulation Database

There are certainly thousands of different ways in which a hydroponic nutrient solution can be prepared. You can make a solution schedule to closely follow the environmental and growing conditions…

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Hydroponic Nutrient Availability : What “Pushing Out an Element” Really Means

Plants need a very large variety of elements in order to grow successfully. In hydroponic crops we intend to provide all these elements in their different forms dissolved within our…

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