Category: Nutrient Solutions


Crazy pH Swings – How Media and Bacteria Affect pH in Hydroponics

I usually get an email from time to time from someone who is experiencing wild pH swings in their hydroponic reservoirs. Growers usually tell me that their pH was around…

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Preparing your Own Chelates – Improving Your Hydroponic Nutrients

If you have already read my free ebook for preparing hydroponic solutions and you have already seen many commercial and other standard formulations you may be asking yourself if you…

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Urea in Hydroponics – Positive or Negative ?

When we supply nitrogen in our hydroponic solutions there are always a several ways in which we can fulfill our plants’ needs for this nutrient. The traditional way is to…

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Hydroponic Tomato Formulations – Nutrients for Every Growth Stage

One of the most interesting things that can be done once you know how to prepare your own hydroponic nutrients (check out my free ebook on the right hand menu)…

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Making Your Own Hydroponic Solutions – Download my Free Ebook

Many of us have always dreamed about making our own hydroponic solutions to stop buying all those expensive solutions from the hydro fertilizer companies. Sadly, most people do not have…

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Hydroponic Nutrients… Why Solid is Better than Liquid

One of the most important decisions you can make when buying hydroponic nutrients for your plants is the way in which the nutrients are prepared. Fertilizers for soil-less culture are…

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The Hoaglands Solution for Hydroponic Cultivation

This hydroponic nutrient solution was developed by Hoagland and Snyder in 1933 and it’s one of the most popular solution compositions for growing plants (in the scientific world at least…

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