Category: pH


Understanding pH in Hydroponics – Part No.2

Yesterday – on the first part of this article – we talked about the nature of pH, the origin of pH changes in hydroponics growing and why these changes happen…

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Understanding pH in Hydroponics – Part No.1

When water reacts with itself to create the H3O(+)(hydroxyl) and OH(-) (hydroxide) species, one of the most fundamental and important characteristics of aqueous solutions is generated. The reactivity of a…

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Growing a Hydroponic Garden Without a pH or EC meter

So you have decided you want to start a hydroponic garden but you do not want to use a pH or an EC meter. It is fairly common for people…

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How to Have a Constant pH in Hydroponics – No More Corrections!

Adjusting pH, the endless chore Plants in recirculating systems will change the pH of their solutions through nutrient uptake. This means that the pH of a recirculating hydroponic system will…

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