Author: admin


How to make your growing more systematic

The aim of every grower should be to improve their results with every new crop cycle. This is strongly facilitated by practices that make growing more systematic as problems become…

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The best cheap sensor setup for relative humidity in hydroponic automation projects

I have written in the past about humidity in hydroponics, especially how accurately measuring humidity is hard due to problems with the sensors. In my experience during the past 5…

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The media exchange solution test: A better measurement of media effects in hydroponics

In the traditional hydroponic paradigm we want media to be as chemically inert as possible. The ideal media in this view would absorb no nutrients, give off no nutrients and…

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Using biochar in hydroponics to improve yields

The media used in hydroponic crops can vary widely around the world depending on what’s cheaper and more easily available in large quantities. In the United States, coco coir, peat…

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Six things to consider when running experiments in hydroponics

Two different growing facilities are never exactly the same. Fine tuning nutrient solutions, irrigation cycles and environmental conditions is therefore fundamental to achieve the best possible outcomes under different growing…

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Why you should optimize your nutrient solution for your particular setup

In hydroponics, most plant nourishment is delivered through the use of a nutrient solution. This solution is prepared from raw fertilizer inputs by the grower – or a fertilizer company…

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Five common reason why you’re losing yields

Mistakes in hydroponic culture are not uncommon among both amateur and seasoned growers. Since there is considerable distances between a successful crop and an optimal crop, growers can go a…

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High P or low P? The mystery of phosphorus in hydroponic culture

If you searched for the optimal P concentration for plant growth in hydroponics you will likely find very different results, ranging from low values to very high values. This is…

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Using a biodegradable iron chelate (IDHA) in hydroponics

Chelates are a very important part of hydroponic nutrient solutions as they provide a reliable source of heavy metals. Without chelates, heavy metals can easily go out of solution and…

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Selenium in hydroponic culture

The element selenium (Se) is not commonly used in hydroponic culture – as it’s not necessary for plant life – but the fact that it’s necessary for human life has…

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