Author: admin


The value of Fulvic Acid in hydroponics

Fulvic and humic acids have been studied for decades and used extensively in the soil and hydroponic growing industries. I previously talked about the use of humic acid in hydroponics…

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New to organic hydroponics? Consider these six things

Although hydroponic crops cannot usually be labeled as “organic” by official certifying authorities, like the USDA, we can create a hydroponic crop that is “organic” in spirit. We can do…

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Is hydroponics organic? Is it better or worse?

There has been a battle raging during the past decade between soil-based organic producers and hydroponic growers, to figure out whether hydroponically produced crops can or cannot be considered for…

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HydroBuddy v1.9, MacOS binary, new EC model, many bug fixes and more!

Today I am releasing a new version of HydroBuddy (v1.9) which contains many suggested and needed improvements from the previous version of the software. In this post I want to…

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Improving on HydroBuddy’s theoretical conductivity model, the LMCv2

Hydrobuddy’s theoretical conductivity estimates have never been good. As I discussed in a previous post, the program uses a very simple model based on limiting molar conductivities to calculate the…

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Creating a pH/EC wireless sensing station for MyCodo using an Arduino MKR Wifi 1010

There are multiple open-source projects available online for the creation of pH/EC sensing stations for hydroponics. However, all of the ones I have found use a single Arduino or Raspberry…

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A simple cheatsheet for macro nutrient additions in hydroponics

In hydroponic growing, we are often faced with the need to adjust the nutrient concentrations of a fertilizer reservoir or foliar spray directly, in order to increase the quantity of…

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How to make your own stabilized mono-silicic acid for use in hydroponics

Please follow this link, for an updated an easier process for the synthesis of mono/ortho-silicic acid. During the past several years, there have been a lot of “mono-silicic acid” products…

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HydroBuddy coming to Android, free and open source!

The Hydrobuddy open source hydroponic nutrient calculator – which has been used extensively by both professional and amateur growers for the past 11 years – is finally making the leap…

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Calibrating a capacitive moisture/water content sensor for hydroponics

As I’ve mentioned multiple times in my blog, moisture sensing is one of the most important measurements in a hydroponic crop that uses a significant amount of media. It allows…

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